Low Back Pain

At our clinic, we offer a range of physiotherapy treatments for low back pain, including:

  1. Manual therapy: Manual therapy is hands-on techniques used to improve mobility, reduce pain, and restore function. Our physiotherapists use a variety of manual therapy techniques, including mobilization, manipulation, and massage, to treat low back pain.

  2. Exercise therapy: Exercise therapy is a crucial part of physiotherapy treatment for low back pain. It helps to strengthen the muscles in the back, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. Our physiotherapists will create a customized exercise program tailored to your needs.

  3. Posture and ergonomics: Poor posture and ergonomics can contribute to low back pain. Our physiotherapists will assess your posture and provide advice on ergonomics to reduce your risk of developing low back pain.

  4. Education and advice: Our physiotherapists will provide you with education and advice on how to manage your low back pain. This may include advice on how to lift and carry objects, how to sit and stand properly, and how to maintain good posture.

At our clinic, we believe in a holistic, hands-on approach to the treatment of low back pain. Our physiotherapists will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Don't let low back pain hold you back from living your life to the fullest. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our physiotherapists and walk out feeling better.

Low back pain is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. Fortunately, physiotherapy can help alleviate the pain and improve your quality of life.